Digital Makers Review for Nominet Trust by Julian Sefton-Green - Notes - Links

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Digital Makers Review for Nominet Trust by Julian Sefton-Green - Notes - Links af Mind Map: Digital Makers Review for Nominet Trust by Julian Sefton-Green - Notes - Links

1. Mapping Digital Makers Review PDF

2. People and Everyday Life

2.1. 2.1 Characterising the learning-journey of makers

2.1.1. 2.1.1 Success trajectories

2.2. 2.2 Snapshots of participation

2.3. 2.3 Summary

3. Curriculum Interventions and Innovations

3.1. 3.1 Informal key moments

3.2. 3.2 The role of community

3.2.1. 3.2.1 ‘Hard’ and ‘soft’ models of learning programming languages

3.2.2. 3.2.2 Competitions events and hacking

3.3. 3.3 Classrooms and syllabi

3.3.1. 3.3.1 Integrating digital creativity across media

3.3.2. 3.3.2 The metaphor of code (as language)

3.3.3. 3.3.3 Critical, social and political dimensions of digital culture

3.4. 3.4 Summary

4. Conclusions

4.1. 5.1 Recommendations

5. Policy Aspirations

5.1. 4.1 Creativity and the creative industries

5.2. 4.2 Becoming digital citizens and informed consumers

5.3. 4.3 Work, skills, competence and computers

5.4. 4.4 Summary

6. References

7. Executive Summary

7.1. 1) Learning and the Economy

7.1.1. Digital Making Opportunities for Employment Economic Growth Changing nature of Work and workplace Formal/ informal learning spaces Progression for qualifications? How does this sit within the changing nature of workplaces

7.2. 2) The individual and Learning

7.2.1. How does DM develop and support personal efficacy and expertise it be important for self-expression and other kinds of personal development? How does it support and develop other kinds of learning?

7.3. 3) Learning, Community and Society

7.3.1. Digital Making How does it support or enhance forms of civic and wider social participation Through soical media et al how does this sit/ reflect/ contibute to Digital Making

7.3.2. 3 key concepts that underpin analysis: children, youth and the idea of age and life-course; definitions of makers, making and creativity; what difference does the digital make. These 3 Concepts lead to 3 concerns 1) conventional institutional boundaries around age serve to hinder or help digital makers or making 2) How do trad more modern practices of making it with each other - different social contexts 3) What is it - how do you define it - what is the landscape?