Nervous System Development

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Nervous System Development af Mind Map: Nervous System Development

1. !. Neurogenesis

1.1. Production of Nerve cells

1.1.1. Cells migrate from ventricular zone to marginal zone ~half of the cells return to VZ to divide and restart the process (eventually becoming the ventricles)

2. 2. Migration

2.1. Cells migrate to final destination from ventricular zone

3. 3. Differentiation

3.1. Cells develop characteristics of neurons in a particular region

3.1.1. Induction Regulation

4. 4. Synaptogenesis

4.1. Growth of axons & dendrites: process outgrowth

4.1.1. Proliferation of synapses: synaptogenesis

5. 5. Neuronal Cell Death

5.1. Genetic cascade leading to cell death

5.1.1. Influx of Ca2+ Diablo protein is released: binds to Inhibitors of Apoptosis Proteins Caspases destroy proteins and DNA of the cell

6. 6. Synaptic Rearrangement

6.1. Retraction of synapses formed early in development

6.1.1. Cerebral Cortex