MS Access Tutorial 6

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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MS Access Tutorial 6 af Mind Map: MS Access Tutorial 6

1. Create a Form

1.1. Datasheet tool

1.1.1. creates a form that contains all the fields in a query

2. Blank form

2.1. Design View

2.1.1. DV on status bar opens a the Grid for form design

3. Field List

3.1. Bound Control, Unbound Control,Label Control

4. Designing Forms

4.1. Multiple Items tool

4.1.1. Ribbon,Create,More Forms, a customizable form will allow to displaye multiple items and records.

5. Adding a Tittle to a form

5.1. Layout View Name your Form

5.1.1. Design View will allow you to change the deign of your tittle