Laptop and Internet Rules and Regulations for EDCT 2030

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Laptop and Internet Rules and Regulations for EDCT 2030 af Mind Map: Laptop and Internet Rules and Regulations for EDCT 2030

1. After Class:

1.1. Walk laptop back to cart and properly place it in it's appropriate slot.

1.2. Make sure it is turned off and charging before leaving.

2. During Class:

2.1. Use the laptop as a resource to help complete the task asked of you.

2.2. Do not use these laptops for personal use unless given permission. This permission may be granted if the task is completed. You may only view APPROPRIATE websites.

2.3. Do not download any programs or files unless instructed to. Improper downloads can result in viruses!

2.4. Handle the laptops CAREFULLY! They are the school's property. Damage done to the laptop are your responsibility.

2.5. You will face consequences if you do not abide by these rules!


3.1. One warning for misbehavior will be given, after that you will be asked to leave the class which will result in a zero for any work that was due that day.