Increasing 40%sales tax on pre mixed alcoholic drinks to reduce teenage drinking

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1. Yes (disadvantage of teenage drinking)

1.1. Cardiovascular disease

1.1.1. Cardiovascular disease, including disorders of the heart, blood vessels, and blood circulation, is the leading cause of death in the United States. However, several studies suggest that moderate alcohol use, as compared to heavy drinking or abstaining, decreases the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) and the most common type of stroke (ischemic stroke) by 25 to 40 percent.

1.2. High blood pressure

1.2.1. People who consume more than two drinks per day have up to a twofold increase in the incidence of high blood pressure compared with nondrinkers. However, the effect of drinking less than two drinks per day on high blood pressure remains unclear.

1.3. Heart attack

1.3.1. Drinking a moderate amount of alcohol is associated with lower risk of having a heart attack. (See "Patient information: Heart attack recovery (Beyond the Basics)".)

2. No (advantage of teenage drinking)

2.1. health benefits only come with moderate drinking and are greatest for older men. And even moderate drinking is not recommended for women who are pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant, or for people who are under 21.