EME 5432: Technology in the Classroom

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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EME 5432: Technology in the Classroom af Mind Map: EME 5432: Technology in the Classroom

1. Social Networking

1.1. Delicious

1.2. Ning

1.3. Facebook

1.4. Twitter

2. Presentation Tools

2.1. Prezzy

2.2. Dippity

2.3. Voicethread

2.4. MindMeister

2.5. Google Motion Chart

2.6. Timeliner

3. Student Tools

3.1. Glogster

3.2. Blogs

3.2.1. Livejournal

3.2.2. WordPress

3.2.3. Blogspot

3.3. FootNote

3.4. Zotero

4. Organization

4.1. Evernote

4.2. Symbaloo

5. Web Apps I love

5.1. Google Wave

5.2. Google Docs

5.3. iTunesU

5.4. Google Earth

5.5. WebQuest

5.6. ThinkQuest

6. Important Terms to Remember

6.1. Service Learning

6.2. Digital Divide

6.3. Teacher Leadership

6.4. Digital Storytelling

6.5. Open Source Texts