WindowsPlast ICT 2014

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1. 3. Backup

1.1. Livedrive from itself

1.2. Backup all the office PCs and Macs to the cloud plus allows to share files with ablity to access from all computers of the company.

1.3. As advantages, it is easy to use, easy to manage and quick to setup, safe and secure also ideal for professionals and small business

2. 4.Sales & Customer support and tracking

2.1. Zoho LiveDesk from Zoho (

2.2. Zoho LiveDesk effortlessly connects you, your customers and the support solutions they crave.

2.3. As an advantage, Easily create, configure and customize your LiveDesk within minutes, and with one copy-and-paste of code, you have added live chat to your website. Embed customizable click-to-chat widgets into any-and-all parts of your web presence and meet customers on their terms.

3. 5. Telecommunication Cost

3.1. Aculab Cloud Telephony Platform from Aculab

3.2. Aculab Cloud brings together the essential telephony software traditionally loaded onto voice boards or host processors, and wraps it into a scalable, easy to use, on-demand platform-as-a-service (PaaS).

3.3. Business advantage,The Aculab Cloud telephony platform comes with a comprehensive set of high level telephony APIs, making it easier and more cost effective for developers to build a range of telephony applications in weeks.

4. 1.Mail & Instant Messaging

4.1. HipChat from Atlassian

4.2. As the key function allows to share ideas, code, and files with the team in real time. Rooms are perfect for individual projects, teams, or entire departments. Company can also hop into a 1-to-1 chat with a coworker anytime.

4.3. As busines advantages, integrate with your build tools, source control, support system, etc to keep team aware,keeping employees in touch no matter how far apart they are and hosted by application itself so no need to worry about managing a server or upgrading the software to get the lastest feature

5. 2. Collaboration & Documents

5.1. Zoho Docs from Zoho

5.2. Access, edit, and share (by email address) documents online from anywhere with whomever you choose

5.3. As business advantages, Zoho Docs allows employees to work on file from everywhere and no need to download file to you computer. Because Zoho Docs saves file in its own storage also helps to convert file times like .doc , .pdf , .html etc. This application lets you to save on time and money.

6. 6. Sales Mobility

6.1. CRM on demand from Oracle

6.2. Oracle's Complete CRM solutions offer the broadest and deepest capabilities that help organizations drive sales, marketing, loyalty, and service effectiveness.

6.3. Oracle CRM on Demand provides the best Business Intelligence (BI) in the cloud CRM industry. Beyond dashboards which all vendor deliver, the Answers on Demand analysis tool facilitates easy creation of custom reports—and where CRM on Demand dominates the competition is with its data warehousing and OLAP (online analytical processing). CRM data can be analyzed among multiple dimensions, manipulated and modeled in real time for learning and insight that's not possible from canned reports.

7. 7. Training

7.1. Mindflash from company called mindflash

7.2. Contains online training courses and allows to update existing courses from your pc. Efortless reports and exams for the trainees.

7.3. One of the best training website which is choose of Mc Donald's and Microsoft for its employees. Give the opportunity to discover What big players do, and provides a huge library to study on for employees.