Use "Teach for Understanding" Principles

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Use "Teach for Understanding" Principles af Mind Map: Use "Teach for Understanding" Principles

1. Independent Application

1.1. Critical Thinking

1.2. Problem Solving

1.3. Teachers as Coaches

1.3.1. Be Up Front about Goals

1.3.2. Give Students a WHY

1.4. Technology

1.5. Inquiry Based Learning

2. Project Based Learning

2.1. What the Heck is PBL?

2.2. Genius Hour

2.3. Buck Institute

2.3.1. Key Knowledge, Understanding & Success Skills Student Focused Standards Based

2.3.2. Challenging Questions

2.3.3. Sustained Inquiry Rigorous Extended Process

2.3.4. Authentic Real-World Connections

2.3.5. Student Voice & Choice Reflect Revise Critique

2.3.6. Public Product

2.4. Reimagine the Classroom

3. Curricula and Instruction

4. Essential Concept Lessons

4.1. Need to Know Topics

4.1.1. Expand

4.1.2. Extend

4.1.3. Connect

4.2. Leave out the 'fluff'

5. Check for Understanding

5.1. Before Learning/Teaching Happens

5.2. Standards for Assessment

5.2.1. Rubrics

5.2.2. Feedback

5.3. Quick Understanding Checks

5.3.1. 27 Quick Ways to Check for Understanding

5.3.2. 90 Second Assessments

6. Learning Principles

6.1. Prior Knowledge

6.2. Metacognition

6.3. Acknowledge Differences

6.4. Motivate

6.5. Learning Communities