Lung Transplant ICU lo

Lung Transplant ICU

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Lung Transplant ICU lo af Mind Map: Lung Transplant ICU lo

1. Post-Op Checklist First Hour Expect labs/correction in OR as well.

1.1. Ventilator: PCV: PI: 18-22; Peep 8-10; FIO2 goal 21% (Max 30-40%) I/E : 1/2 * Change in FIO2 requirements call Transplant

1.2. POC: iStat Electrolytes, INR, H/H, ROTEM

1.3. Keep Hb > 9-10:Refer to transfusion algorithm

1.3.1. Correct coagulopathies + platelet count in 1 hour. Goals PLT> 80; INR <1.6; Fibrinogen>200; If bleeding by our criterion or elevated PTT, check ACT.

1.3.2. CBC, CHEM, INR, PTT, PT, Fibrinogen, Lactic acid, electrolytes q 3-4 hours

1.3.3. CHEST TUBE OUTPUT> 200ml/HR or If > 100ml for 3 hrs, please call Transplant Surgery

1.4. Albumin for volume resuscitation

1.5. STAT ABG: Assistance from respiratory for low tidal volume strategy

1.5.1. Monitors in place and all functioning with arrival (goal within15 minutes)

1.6. CERNER Documentation: Vitals, SVO2, I+O q 15 minutes for first 2 hours then q 30 minutes for the next 2 hours. After any titration of drips, needs closer documentation of parameters (q15 minutes) until stable.

1.7. Stat CXR ( pleural hematoma; Check CT tubes positioning; PGD)

1.8. Sedation- Goal Patient awake and comfortable. Use Precedex, Ketamine. (Judicious Propofol and pain medications).

1.8.1. Hourly charting of SVO2, Chest Tube, and Urine Output ( Cerner)

1.9. Preferred INOTROPES- Epinephrine, Milrinone, Dopamine. Vasopressin as needed. (Judicious Levaphed due to theoretic ischemia to surgical anastomosis)

1.10. Temperature> 101 panculture immediately as Lung transplant donors/recipients colonized with organisms.

2. Respiratory

2.1. Ventilator: PCV; PI: 18-22; Peep 8-10; FIO2 goal 21% (Max 30-40%) ; I/E : 1/2 * Call if change in FIO2 requirements call Transplant


2.3. ABG q 4 hr

2.4. iNO: 20 ppm

2.4.1. Chest PT, Mucolytics, Hypertonic saline q4-6 hours

2.5. CT tube output >200ml/hr call TX/ICU of >100ml/hr for 3 hrs. please call Transplant Surgery.

2.5.1. CT tube with new air leak please notify: Surgery/Tx and keep on suction ( must be transported on suction)

2.6. Contact Tx/ICU for change in FIO2, PH< 7.2, or drop in tidal volume on PCV

2.6.1. ECMO?: Escalating FIO2 , change in CXR or compliance of lung.

2.6.2. Obtain repeat CXR STAT: Hematoma, Infiltrates, Pneumothorax

2.6.3. Consider recruitment maneuver for atelectasis

2.6.4. Bronchoscopy: Rule out Torsion ( crescent sign), mucus plugs, PNA, Bronchorrhea-Pulmonary EDEMA, ischemic reperfusion injury, * Note Laterality and Segmental Changes.

2.7. Ventilatory WEANING


2.7.2. Goal is early extubation if possible. DO NOT EXTUBATE without performing BRONCHSCOPY first

2.7.3. RSBI on 5/5 and NIFF <-20 LOW BP: Vasopressin preferred. Judicious levaphed due to airways ischemia. Low BP and low output, requires Volume and increase inotropic agents

2.7.4. BRONCHOSCOPY FREQUENTLY: Rule out Torsion, dehiscence, mucus plugs, PNA, bronchorrhea-pulm edema, ischemia reperfusion injury. * Minimize use of lavage fluid as organ has no lymphatic drainage.

2.7.5. Parameters: Mental status, FIO2 <30%, Stable hemodynamics, improving lactic acid, diuresis occurring, CXR no pleural problems or bleeding, adequate pain control.

2.7.6. FAILED Extubation warrants early trach discussion due to early physical mobilization in lung transplantation.

2.7.7. Trach collar trials to continue as long as PH is not less than 7.25; No indication for T piece.

3. Neurologic/Pain

3.1. GOAL: ALERT AWAKE, FOLLOWING COMMANDS, walking if able ( not heavily sedated).

3.2. Avoid respiratory depressants. Favor precedex and ketamine... Propofol and low benzodiazepines must be used sparingly due to complications

3.3. PAIN CONTROL: Dilaudid 0.2- 0.5 mg IV q 4-6 hours + OFIRMEV + ROBAXIN (IV to PO). GABAPENTIN for neuropathic pain

3.4. Minimal Narcotics: If high requirements consider epidural-nerve block or paravertebral block

3.5. Anxiety: Buspar,Olanzapine , Celexa, QTC monitoring required

4. Allograft: No Lymphatics

4.1. CXR Daily for PTX, Effusions, PGD, PNA, Lines/Tube placement

4.2. Bronchoscopy: Torsion, mucus plugs, PNA, PGD, bronchorrhea.


4.3.1. Cellcept/Imuran

4.3.2. Steroids PROGRAF/TACROLIMUS is SUBLINGUAL ( capsule opened first and powder under the tongue) until transitioned to ORAL Regimen. Check Prograf or cyclosporine level q am before AM dose

4.3.3. OTHER: Basiliximab ( POD #1 and #4); Belatacept; IVIG 0.5mg/kg

4.4. Prophylaxis

4.4.1. Fungus: Inhaled Abelcept; Voriconazole, Posaconazole, Cresemba

4.4.2. Bactrim, Mepron, Pentamidine > POD 7

4.4.3. CMV: Ganciclovir vs Valcyte: CMV PCR blood weekly after transplant

5. Cardiovascular-Hemodynamics

5.1. GOALS: CI>2.4; SVO2> 6O% (VBG) ; mPAP <30; PAD < 25; CVP >16

5.1.1. X

5.1.2. Stroke Volume: TEE or ECHO Hemoglobin > 9

5.1.3. CONTACT TX-ICU for persistent low SVO2

5.1.4. CONTACT ICU and TRANSPLANT TEAM for large changes in requirements ( Ex 0.03->0.07). If with large inotropic needs (Ex EPI 0.1), consider STAT TEE or imaCor for rule out TAMPONADE and other urgent issues.

5.1.5. ATRIAL Fibrillation UNSTABLE: DC cardioversion STABLE: Amiodarone preference: 300 mg IV once--> 150 mg once-->150 once then start IV drip. If persistent after 3-6 hours consider DC cardioversion ( trying to avoid need to start anticoagulation)

5.2. HIGH BP>160/90: Titrate milrinone if running, can give IV Cardene or Clevidipine. Avoid IV nitrates as they cause shunt physiology in lung transplant recipients. Treat Anxiety and Pain if hyperdynamic. Understand relationship between BP and CI ( table above)

6. Renal Function-Volume

6.1. Volume removal needed for lung transplant due to capillary leak from loss of lymphatics and positive fluid balance post-operatively

6.2. Contact ICU for increase in Creatinine that is 1.5x baseline.

6.2.1. Call transplant for Anuria

6.3. Consider diuresis as lactic acid levels and hemodynamics improve

6.4. IV Lasix versus Lasix drip 5-10 mg /hr if urine output less than 0.5cc/kg/hr vital signs stable

6.4.1. THROMBOCYTOPENIA: Check Hitt Ab, Obtain peripheral smear, stop offending agents, check ADAMTS13, Consider TTP/HUS or DITMA that requires pheresis.

6.5. If no response to Lasix, may require CRRT

6.6. Contact ICU for drop in urine output (<0.5 cc/kg) or if with Lasix failure.

7. Hematologic Goals

7.1. Immediate post-op if not Bleeding: Goal: PLT>80; HB> 9; WBC> 3; INR< 1.6; Normal fibrinogen level >200; If PTT elevated and there is bleeding check ACT

7.1.1. Early dobhoff placement under fluoro post-extubation if NPO > 5 days

7.2. Beyond Post-Op period. Stable: PLT>50; Hb 9-10; WBC 3

7.3. Anemia: check fecal occult blood, consider hemolysis labs ( haptoglobin, LDH, reticulocyte counts, bilirubin D and I, Plasma free Hb),

7.4. DVT Prophylaxis: SCDS POD#0; heparin SQ as long as platelets are stable

7.5. WBC< 3; Considering holding bone marrow suppression agents. If ANC <1500, consider neupogen.

7.6. X

8. Gastrointestinal-Swallow

8.1. Aspiration precaution: Extreme Risks for Aspiration ( laryngeal pathology, oropharyngeal, esophageal dysmotility , and gastroparesis) that can severely impact post-lung transplant outcomes.

8.2. GJ feeding - IR early placement in those known to have swallow or Gi problems pre tx or with prolonged ICU needs. For Surgical Tubes separate G and J

8.3. There will be no feeding ( oral or tube feeding until bowel movement demonstrated )

8.4. NG tube to low intermittent suction for gastric distension ( Gastric bubble on CXR/KUB please deflate stomach)

8.5. Daily KUB

8.6. Formal speech exam after extubation to begin after patient 24-72 hours ( would defer if with dysphonia and cannot proceed modified barium without bowel movement)

8.7. Ileus, constipation, gastroparesis

8.8. Constipation CVICU SOP

8.9. Gastroparesis, Narcotic Induced Constipation

9. Infection

9.1. Empiric C diff prophylaxis: Dificid or PO vanco

9.2. If with progressive WBC elevation consider panculture, Procalcitonin, Karius

9.3. Reverse droplet for patient receiving immunomodulators or concern widespread hospital infection

9.4. Prophylaxis ( as written under "Allograft")

9.5. Swan removal by day 7; Early removal of central lines; PICC Line once hemodynamics improved. Will follow VBG through PICC

9.6. Standard antibiotic protocols as discussed with infectious disease team

10. Drugs to Avoid- Or consult with team

10.1. NSAIDS-COX 1 or 2 inhibitors

10.2. Benzodiazepines

10.3. Non-dihydropyridine

10.4. Would avoid Nitrates including nitroglycerin ( causes intrapulmonary shunting)

10.5. Probiotics