Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing basics

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Cloud Computing af Mind Map: Cloud Computing

1. Cloud Deployment Models

2. Focus

3. What is Cloud?

3.1. What is Cloud Computing? - Amazon Web Services

3.2. What is AWS? - Amazon Web Services

4. Why?

4.1. Trade Capital Expense vs Variable Expense

4.1.1. Running and Maintaining Data Centers

4.1.2. Infra

4.1.3. Benefits from mass economy scales

4.2. Stop guessing Capacity

4.2.1. Untitled

4.3. Increase Speed and Agility

4.3.1. Go Global in minutes Untitled

4.3.2. Experimentation Untitled

4.3.3. Culture of Innovation Untitled

4.4. Security & Compliance

4.5. Focus on the Business

4.5.1. Untitled

5. Cloud Computing Models

5.1. Pizza Example

5.2. Another one

5.3. Untitled

5.4. IaaS - AWS, Azure PaaS - Google App Engine, OpenShift SaaS - Jira, Dropbox, Gmail, Office 365, Trello, Google Apps