OIOpublisher v3 (1st draft)

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OIOpublisher v3 (1st draft) af Mind Map: OIOpublisher v3 (1st draft)

1. Technical

1.1. php5 (OO design, HMVC)

1.2. overload any code / pluggable core code

1.3. translate to any language

1.4. custom framework (to be open sourced)

2. Purchasing

2.1. shopping cart interface

2.2. cpc / cpm / fixed rate pricing

2.3. discount coupons

2.4. allow html submissions

2.5. turn off stats for individual ads

2.6. Wordpress theme integration

2.7. screenshots to accompany ad descriptions

2.8. url redirect after successful purchase

3. Advertisers

3.1. allow registration

3.2. edit current ad campaigns

3.3. view / export stats, including graphs

3.4. email updates when slots are available

3.5. email timeline (eg. 1 day before expiry)

4. Ad output

4.1. php / javascript

4.2. over-ride admin default settings

4.3. option to output ad data via API

4.4. static file cache

4.5. memcache / xcache / eaccelerator plugins

5. Administration

5.1. Dashboard

5.1.1. key statistics (at a glance)

5.1.2. latest purchases / actions required

5.1.3. rollover menu navigation (easy access to any page)

5.1.4. shortcuts (custom links, available anywhere)

5.2. Ad Templates

5.2.1. text, image, video, html, flash, javascript (mix n' match)

5.2.2. use a template with any ad or zone

5.2.3. include common ad networks (eg. adsense)

5.2.4. allow custom templates to be created

5.3. Ad Management

5.3.1. include a single ad in any number of zones

5.3.2. ad search (eg. by zone, advertiser)

5.4. Zone Management

5.4.1. ad weighting system

5.4.2. extra options (max upload size, allowed file extensions)

5.4.3. multiple sidebar widgets (Wordpress)

5.4.4. both settings and purchase data available

5.5. User Management

5.5.1. advertiser, affiliate, administrator

5.5.2. email any user / usergroup

5.6. Addons

5.6.1. custom purchases / downloads (using custom fields)

5.6.2. paid reviews (for Wordpress, utilising WYSIWYG editor)

5.6.3. intext ads (for Wordpress, utilizing standard ad zone)

6. API

6.1. json / xml data feeds

6.2. get advertiser, ad, zone, stats and payment data

6.3. "push" connectivity to other applications

7. Extension Ideas

7.1. peel ads / full page ads (popups)

7.2. email advertising

7.3. twitter advertisements

7.4. let people rate ads / feedback

7.5. WPMU specific extension

7.6. advertiser loyalty discounts

7.7. one time purchase offer / discount

7.8. stats widget (traffic overview)

7.9. ajax requests to edit data (no page refresh)

7.10. allow 3rd party publishers (ie. ad network