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DMP af Mind Map: DMP

1. Attack - What is my Role from the breakdown

1.1. Ball Carrier

1.1.1. where is the space pass if she is in a better position than me if she is not, take contact stay strong and wait for support to recycle after ruck, get up quickly to realign

1.2. Next Immediate Supporting Player

1.2.1. Ruck Over communicate with ball carrier Get low and stay strong after balls out get up quickly and realign

1.2.2. Scrum Half communicate with people at the ruck and players aligning Look for pocket before I pass Pass & Follow - Ball will come back our way, realign, make assessment of defence & call play

1.3. Pocket/Mailman

1.3.1. communicate with scrumhalf

1.3.2. stand deep behind the ruck

1.3.3. make sure the line is aligned off me and ready to attack

1.3.4. Pass & Follow - Likely I will be involved if there is breakdown / be the pocket

1.4. 2nd Receiver

1.4.1. communicate with pocket/mailman, take my alignment off her

1.4.2. look up at how the defence is aligned and make a call

1.4.3. run up for the ball

1.4.4. run straight - fix my man and release the ball early if there is space out wide

1.4.5. Pass & Follow - i will need to support the break or be involved in next ruck

2. Defence - What is my role?

2.1. tackler - ball is in front of me

2.1.1. communicate with my inside cover

2.1.2. if we are outnumbered, slide when inside cover is ready

2.1.3. if we out number them, blitz and make the tackle

2.1.4. can i get the ball (tackler can enter from anyhere), if not roll away and get up to my feet quickly

2.1.5. look for a space to fill in the defence line

2.2. person beside tackler

2.2.1. cover tacklers inside OR outside

2.2.2. Communicate with tackler

2.2.3. is the opposition support arriving to ruck over? how far is she

2.2.4. support is far - contest for the ball - enter from behind the ball - through the gate

2.2.5. support is on it immediately, not winnable - fan out look for attackers and overlaps

2.2.6. Communicate with team mates and determine defence pattern to apply, slide or blitz