CSS n Slicing

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CSS n Slicing af Mind Map: CSS n Slicing

1. Quirks

1.1. Negative Margins

1.2. Overflow: hidden

2. 2 Main Components

2.1. Photoshop

2.1.1. Extract Images

2.1.2. Font Size

2.1.3. Spacings

2.2. CSS

3. Html & CSS

3.1. Basic Html Elements

3.1.1. h1, h2, h3

3.1.2. ul, ol, li

3.1.3. table, th, tr, td

3.1.4. div, span

3.2. Html Page Structure

3.2.1. head

3.2.2. body

3.3. CSS Inclusions

3.3.1. reference stylesheet

3.3.2. inline stylesheet

3.3.3. applying style on the element itself

4. CSS Rules Priority

4.1. CSS Specifiers

4.1.1. Html Element Specifier

4.1.2. Class Specifier

4.1.3. Id Specifier

4.1.4. Have Fun Changing Colors

4.2. Placement of CSS

5. CSS Debugging Tools + F12

5.1. Firefox

5.1.1. Firebug

5.2. Chrome

6. Positioning - Divs N Spans

6.1. Box Model

6.1.1. Margin

6.1.2. Border

6.1.3. Padding

6.1.4. Width

6.2. Positioning

6.2.1. clear both

6.2.2. float left right

6.2.3. margin: 0 auto

6.3. Background Image

6.4. Background Image