I am Legend Reflection 4- Am I confused about anything that happened in the novel?

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I am Legend Reflection 4- Am I confused about anything that happened in the novel? af Mind Map: I  am Legend Reflection 4-  Am I confused about anything that happened in the novel?

1. Ben

1.1. Does Robert miss Ben? Miss having him as a friend?

1.2. Does he want to find Ben and kill him fo rsome kind of closure that he needs?

2. The Christians

2.1. Where they trying to tell him something?

2.2. Did they think Robert comitted a sin?

2.3. Was Robert a christian before the plague?

3. The dog

3.1. Was he sick for a long time before Robert found him?

3.2. Did it have the bacterial infection like the people do?

3.3. Did it die because of the infetion, or did it die for another reason?

4. Ruth

4.1. Is she really lost, or is she some kind o fvampire spy?

4.2. Is she suppose to kill Robert?

4.3. Does Robert like her?