Conflict and Power

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Conflict and Power af Mind Map: Conflict and Power

1. Impacts of conflict

1.1. Change in dynamics

1.2. Deaths

1.3. Socioeconomic costs

1.4. Psychological costs

1.4.1. Trauma

1.4.2. Stress

1.5. Political governance

1.6. Loss of friendships and relationships

2. Conflict resolution

2.1. Problem-solving strategies

2.2. Effective communication

2.3. Negotiation

2.4. Peace education

2.4.1. Non-violent actions

2.4.2. Respect

2.4.3. Justice system

2.4.4. Accepting differences and diversity

3. Causes of conflict

3.1. Values

3.2. Opposing interests

3.3. Resources

3.3.1. Limited resources

3.3.2. Competing

3.4. Environment

3.4.1. Sustainability

3.5. Inequality

3.6. Poor communication

3.7. Power

3.7.1. Hierarchy

3.7.2. Power struggles

3.8. Poor communication

4. What is conflict?

4.1. Disagreements and struggles

4.2. Differing opinions

4.3. Power imbalances

4.4. Violent and non-violent

4.5. Short term vs. long term

5. War

5.1. Violence

5.2. Victims

5.3. Countries

5.4. Allies

5.5. Terrorism

6. Types of conflict

6.1. School

6.1.1. Bullying

6.1.2. Social media

6.2. Family

6.3. Cultural

6.3.1. racism

6.3.2. exclusion

6.4. Religious

6.5. Friendship

6.5.1. Personality clashes

6.6. Political

6.6.1. Riots

6.6.2. Change in legislation

6.7. Global

6.7.1. War

6.8. Community

6.9. Workplace

6.9.1. Performance

6.9.2. Lack of team work

6.9.3. Performance

6.10. Intrapersonal

6.10.1. self-conflict