a dangerous situation

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a dangerous situation af Mind Map: a dangerous situation

1. setting:

1.1. at home

1.2. my bedroom

1.3. living room

2. events / outcomes:

2.1. event 1:

2.1.1. I was in bedroom doing homework.

2.1.2. I heard my mom talking to a salesman. Curious, I peeped out of the door. out come 1: My mother was interested as the promotion was too good to be missed. Mother kindly let the salesman in. Suddenly the salesman whipped out a pocket-knife and wielded it in front of my mother. Threatened my mom with injuries if she screamed.

2.1.3. the salesman was selling cookbooks at a promoted price: buy 2 get 1 free.

2.2. event 2:

2.2.1. I was so scared that I shivered in my bed.

2.2.2. My mind was racing against time to find the best solution. outcome 2: Suddenly a brilliant idea popped in my mind. I hid in my wardrobe and messaged my dad," Call 999. robber in the house!"

2.3. event 3:

2.3.1. Soon, I could hear sounds of ransacking of the house.

2.3.2. I prayed hard that the thief would not escape with the loot. outcome 3: Before the robber left the room, I heard wailing of sirens. the police had arrived! The ran out of the house as fast as he could, but to no avail. The police still caught up with him and arrested him.

2.3.3. I could hear my heart drumming very fast. When the robber entered the room, a chill ran down my spine. I nearly jumped out of my skin.

3. Ending:

3.1. The robber handed our belongings back to us before he was sent to jail.

3.2. From that day on, my mother dared not oped the door to a stranger.