My ePortfolio structure

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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My ePortfolio structure af Mind Map: My ePortfolio structure

1. Contact me

2. Recent Updates

2.1. Blogs

2.2. Events

2.3. Projects

3. Interests

3.1. Film/Arts

3.2. Music

3.3. Photography

3.4. Web design

3.5. Editing photos/films

3.5.1. Imaginative

4. Home

4.1. Introduction

4.2. The purpose of my ePortfolio

4.3. Navigator to access other pages

5. Media/Favorite things

5.1. Shared work

5.2. creative Ideas

5.3. produced work

5.4. My films

5.5. Photoshop creations