Systems Thinking

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Systems Thinking af Mind Map: Systems Thinking

1. Resources


1.2. Mindmeister

1.3. Basecamp

1.4. Ning

1.5. Groupspaces

1.6. Berrett Koehler Publishers

1.7. Jossey-Bass

2. Education

2.1. Rotman School @ U of T

2.2. Stanford D-school

3. Books & Authors

3.1. General theory

3.1.1. The Fifth Discipline/Peter Senge

3.1.2. Turbulent Mirror (or any other intro to chaos theory)

3.1.3. The Web of Life/Fritjof Capra

3.1.4. The Answer to How is Yes/Peter Block

3.1.5. Presence: human purpose and the field of the future/Senge, Jaworski, et al

3.1.6. Leadership and the New Science/Margaret Wheatley

3.2. Leading

3.2.1. Synchronicity: the inner path of leadership/Jaworski

3.2.2. Good to Great

3.2.3. Servant Leadership/Block

3.3. Being/Culture

3.3.1. Tribal Leadership/Dave Logan

3.3.2. Firms of Endearment

3.3.3. The Structure of Belonging/Block

3.3.4. Flow

3.4. Branding

3.4.1. The Tipping Point/Malcolm Gladwell

3.4.2. Seth Godin

3.4.3. Start With Why/Sinek

3.5. Thinking

3.5.1. A Whole New Mind/Pink

3.5.2. Drive/Pink

3.5.3. Blink/Gladwell

3.5.4. Mind mapping/Buzan

3.5.5. Gamestorming

3.5.6. Visual Meetings/David Sibbett

3.5.7. Made to Stick

3.5.8. The Opposable Mind/Roger Martin

3.6. Doing

3.6.1. The Primes/Chris Degoff

3.6.2. Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs

3.6.3. this is service design thinking

3.6.4. DesignWorks/Heather Fraser

3.6.5. Theory U:Leading from the future as it emerges/Otto Scharmer

4. Development

5. Practitioners

5.1. thinkpublic

5.2. IDEO

5.3. ?whatif!

5.4. The Grove

5.5. The Clearing

5.6. Design Works


6. Communities of Practice

6.1. graphic facilitation

6.2. service design

6.3. gamestorming

6.4. large scale conversation

6.4.1. Art of Hosting

6.4.2. Open Space

6.4.3. Preferred Futuring

6.4.4. World Cafe

6.4.5. Whole Scale Change

6.4.6. Appreciative Inquiry

6.5. Agile methodology

6.6. LEGO serious play

7. Practices & Practitioners

8. Ideas & Principles

8.1. whole is greater than the sum of its parts

8.2. self-similarity/fractals

8.3. participatory

8.4. stability through feedback

8.5. process over structure

8.6. everything is connected

8.7. complementarity

8.8. self-organizing

9. Networks

9.1. Conscious Capitalism

9.2. Pegasus Communications

9.3. Society for Organizational Learning

9.4. Santa Fe Institute

9.5. Berkana Institute