What it means to be a Pizza Deliveryman

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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What it means to be a Pizza Deliveryman af Mind Map: What it means to be a Pizza Deliveryman

1. Aspects of Delivery

1.1. Quality

1.2. Speed

1.3. Money

2. Clients

2.1. Teenagers

2.1.1. Hanging Out

2.1.2. Choice

2.1.3. Low Cost

3. Media Pizza Portrayal

3.1. Ninja Turtles

3.2. Digiorno

4. Essential Ingredients

4.1. Tomato

4.2. Cheese

5. Toppings

5.1. Olives

5.2. Ham

5.3. Cheddar

6. Pizza Appreciation

6.1. Taste

6.2. Negative Aspects of Pizza

6.2.1. Indigestion

6.2.2. Power