Ethnic Diversity

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Ethnic Diversity af Mind Map: Ethnic Diversity

1. Stages of the lesson

1.1. warm-up

1.1.1. music

1.1.2. documentary

1.2. body

1.2.1. definition and explanation of concepts

1.2.2. historical background

1.2.3. status of minorities in EU and Romania

1.2.4. minorities rights

1.2.5. difficulties regarding minorities integration within the local community

1.2.6. solutions for solving integration problems

1.2.7. case study

1.3. feed-back

1.3.1. project work

1.4. homework

1.4.1. program for solving integration problems

2. visualization

2.1. posters

2.2. audio-visual materials

2.3. flipcharts

3. ideas

4. links

5. Cultural and ethnic diversity in Europe

5.1. Minorities

5.2. Importance of dealing with minorities

6. Target group: 11th graders

6.1. Minorities in Romania

6.2. Minorities in their region

7. Objectives

7.1. Define the concept of "minority"

7.2. Identify European and Romanian minorities

7.3. Discuss about History, language and culture

7.4. Identify the problems minorities face

7.5. Design a program about minorities integration in the local community

8. Content

8.1. definitions: minority,ethnicity, discrimination, diversity

8.2. classification

8.3. Examples

8.4. case study

9. Strategies

9.1. group work, pair work, frontal work

9.2. brainstorming

9.3. conversation

9.4. explanation

9.5. spider web

9.6. hand outs