Jaclyn Martin

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Jaclyn Martin af Mind Map: Jaclyn Martin

1. Volunteer Work

1.1. Shands Volunteer

1.2. School Community Volunteer

2. Academics

2.1. Graduate with Honors in Chemical Engineering

2.2. Graduate from the Honors Program

3. Involvement

3.1. SHO Exec. Board

3.1.1. Became a member

3.2. Cicerones

3.2.1. http://www.ufalumni.ufl.edu/cicerones/

3.3. FLC Member

3.3.1. Interview on Sept. 18th

3.4. Honors Ambassador

3.4.1. http://www.honors.ufl.edu/HA/Home.aspx

4. Internships

4.1. Intern with a Chem. Engineering plant

5. Leisure

5.1. Attend as many football and basketball games as possible

5.2. Join an intramural team