How cryptocurrencies affect global economy

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How cryptocurrencies affect global economy af Mind Map: How cryptocurrencies affect global economy

1. Thoughts

2. Affect of cryptocurrency in various Countries

2.1. Russia

2.2. India

2.3. USA

2.4. Japan

2.5. Why is it Prohibited in China?

3. Conclusion

3.1. How did it overall affected the economy?

3.2. Future of cryptocurrency?

3.3. Predictions

4. Thoughts of people about it?

5. History

5.1. When and how it all started?

5.2. How many Cryptocurrencies are there?

5.3. Block chain?

6. Introduction

6.1. What is Cryptocurrency?

6.2. Purpose of research?

6.2.1. Prespective What's the main motive?

6.3. How did it affected our economy?

6.4. Is it safe to use Cryptocurrency?