Calvary Health Care ACT Transition Program

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Calvary Health Care ACT Transition Program af Mind Map: Calvary Health Care ACT Transition Program

1. Assessment Items

1.1. Assessment 1: Critique of a Clinical Practice Guideline

1.1.1. Authentic Assessment. 1500 written piece. Self Assessment formative assessment to be submitted prior to and with summative piece. Criterion referenced assessment. GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES: Analysis & Inquiry, Professionalism & Social Responsibility

1.2. Assessment 2 – Health and Physical Assessment

1.2.1. Authentic Assessment. 1500 word written case study and inservice presentation including simulated assessment of patient. Group activity to assess communication development. Self Assessments to be submitted with final summary of presentation. Criterion referenced. Summative Assessment. GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES: Analysis & Inquiry, Communication, Working Independently & with others

1.3. Assessment 3: Self Evaluation

1.3.1. Critical Reflection. 1500 word self evaluation against the ANMAC codes of practice and conduct. Informal formative assessments offered to review work throughout the course. Summative piece at end of Program. GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES: Professionalism & Social Responsibility, Problem Solving,

2. GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES: Analysis & Inquiry, Professionalism & Social Responsibility

3. Learning Outcomes

3.1. 1. Distinguish the role of the Registered Nurse in the context of the interprofessional team within Calvary Health Care ACT.

3.1.1. New Node

3.2. 2. Formulate comprehensive holistic nursing and health care assessments with a demonstrated emphasis on patient centred care and safety.

3.3. 3. Appraise assessment data to manage activities of patient care including time management plans, materials, resources, and support from the interprofessional team.

3.4. 4. Develop confidence in effective communication with colleagues, patients, family members, and members of the interprofessional team.