Harrison Schwartz: Plans

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Harrison Schwartz: Plans af Mind Map: Harrison Schwartz: Plans

1. Fun

1.1. Join Intermurals

1.1.1. Basketball?

1.1.2. Ultimate Frisbee?

1.1.3. Track?

1.2. Let Loose sometimes and relax

1.3. Continue DJing hobby

2. Research

2.1. Acquire a research position under a professor

2.1.1. Establish Relationships

2.2. Look for all opportunities that are out there, either research or not.

3. Leadership

3.1. Leadership position in ASME

3.1.1. Eventually become the President

3.2. Become a team leader for a design team project, possibly for the Lunabot or ROV project

3.3. Acquire multiple leadership positions in my fraternity

4. Involvement

4.1. Join a Fraternity in Spring

4.2. Join one of the ASME or Robotics Club projects

4.2.1. Most likely the Lunabot project, because it is sponsored by NASA

4.3. Continue with Running Club

4.4. Continue being an active member in AIAA

4.5. Continue being an active UF Honors member

4.6. See what other clubs there are to join

4.6.1. Join "fun" clubs as well

5. Internship

5.1. Go to Career Showcase

5.1.1. Try for an internship position with a well-respected company

5.2. Eventually acquire an internship with NASA

5.2.1. Space X or a similar company works too

6. Education

6.1. Graduate with Honors

6.2. Get on the Dean's List

6.3. High GPA

7. Volunteer

7.1. Research what types of volunteering programs are out there

7.1.1. Any types that involve any sort of engineering/science element?

7.2. Volunteer not just once, but periodically over my four years