Film opening synopsis

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Film opening synopsis af Mind Map: Film opening synopsis

1. Costume

1.1. Pyjamas

1.2. 'Chavy' outfit

1.3. 'Gothic' outift

1.4. 'Hipster' outfit

1.5. Normal school outfit

2. Diegesis

2.1. Non diegetic voice over of the main character

2.2. Non diegetic background song

2.3. Diegetic character dialouge

3. Location

3.1. School

3.2. Main character's house

4. Teen Comedy Genre

4.1. Target audience is teenagers

4.2. Must be comedic elements

5. Conventions

5.1. Main character is trying to fit in for her new school

5.2. Main character is a teenage girl

6. Editing

6.1. Cut

6.2. Fast paced during rushing parts

7. Props

7.1. Make up

7.1.1. Sub Idea 1

7.1.2. Sub Idea 2

7.2. Toast

7.3. Toothbrush

7.4. Cigarette

8. Plot

8.1. Main character getting ready for the first day of school

8.2. Experiments with different styles to try to fit in

9. Cinematography

9.1. Range of camera shots

9.2. Range of camera movement

10. Characters

10.1. Teenage girl