EDU 100: Context of Education Developing a teacher identity

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EDU 100: Context of Education Developing a teacher identity af Mind Map: EDU 100: Context of Education Developing a teacher identity

1. References: Anuik, J. (2012). “What and why do I want to know?”: Locating the spirit in a first-year inquiry class. Antistasis, 2(1), 1-4. (CP)  Boulding, K. E. (1984). B. F. Skinner: A dissident view. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 7, 483-484. Canter, L., & Canter, M. (1976).  Assertive discipline: A take-charge approach for today’s educator.  Seal Beach, CA:  Lee Canter Associates.  The 2001 edition is titled Assertive Discipline: Positive behavior management for today’s classroom.   Coloroso, B. (1990). Winning at teaching…without beating your kids.  A DVD available from kids are worth it, Littleton, CO. Mayer, R. E. (2001). Multimedia Learning. New York: Cambridge University Press. Accessed from: Peters, J. (1991). Strategies for reflective practice. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, no. 51, Fall 1991 Plato's Euthyprho, Apology of Socrates, and Crito, Clarendon (1924). J. Adam's claim suggests agreement with Burnet. See further p. 29, T. Brickhouse & N. Smith, Socrates on Trial, Princeton University Press, 1989. Runte, R. (1995). “Education and schooling” revisited. In G.D. Taylor & R. Runte (Eds., chap. 9) Thinking about teaching. Toronto, Harcourt Brace.

2. Personal Education Philosophy

2.1. Everything stated in this mind map reflects my knowledge created throughout my education career. Before I state my personal philosophy I must state that as a pre-service teacher this is just a basic stance I am willing to take because I am aware that this will have major changes in the next few years.

2.1.1. I believe education in its most basic sense is a necessary social construct. It is a professional transfer of knowledge from generation to generation, with the goal of preparing children for lives as adults in the society in which we live.

2.1.2. In a deeper sense education is a learning ground for all students. While there is the basics in which we all learn - science, math, english, etc. - students also learn how to socialize and discover their identities.

2.1.3. As a teacher, students become the centre of our world. In order to properly educate students, you must be open minded and create relationships with your students. This relationship creates a mutual respect and trust between student and teacher.

2.1.4. My goal as a teacher is to inspire students and create a place of safety and security, having a very positive classroom setting. To do this it is important to acknowledge students strengths.

2.1.5. I hope that as a teacher I can transfer my passion for Science and Mathematics onto my students.

3. What do we believe about our students?

3.1. Tabula rasa: Blank slate. (Taylor & Runte, 1995)

3.1.1. A functional structionalist would say that this is the best way to teach. It is a way to transfer knowledge by "programming" and will integrate students into our society. This however, encourages the status quo. (Lydia Taylor Summary)

3.1.2. A criticism of this blank slate theory states that students come into a classroom with their own identities, differences and strengths. We cannot just bank information. In Lydia Runt's Summary it is discussed that society is abstract and therefore classrooms should be student centered.

3.1.3. Runt believes teaching should be student centered, I am inclined to agree with her. She holds many views similar to Coloroso's. (1990) While Taylor believes that schools are created to socialize students, This is very much like Canter's view, (1976)

4. Professional Identity January 16, 2014 Lecture

4.1. Four questions that need to be answered.

4.1.1. 1. Who are you before you became a teacher? This job requires sacrifice to keep a professional appearance. Cannot air your opinions. Must remain neutral. Facebook must be protected. Live very private lives. You are a role model to young students. Must always maintain a level of professionalism, in and out of the school system.

4.1.2. 2. What qualities and strengths do you have? How well do you know yourself? The work does not end. You bring it home with you.

4.1.3. 3. How do you deal with problems? (Tauber, 1999) This was discussed very briefly in class, but I look forward to expanding my knowledge when I do my classroom management course. There are two different approaches to this either the assertive discipline and "take charge" approach which is Canters approach or more along the line of Coleroso who discusses the self taught classroom control. I believe that the best technique lies somewhere in the middle.

4.1.4. 4. What kind of colleuge will I be? I think it is important to be both responsible and dependable. As a teacher it is important to create a social network based on respect and mutual understandings. Social networks can mean many things in EDU 210 we discussed the usefulness of social networking over the internet.

5. Personal Identity

5.1. How this effects what type of teacher I will be

5.1.1. I am a very caring person and often allow my emotions to control the reactions I have. I put others needs before my own and I am willing to sacrifice my time and energy for the benefit of others. This is one of the reasons I was attracted to education because I both love children and want to help.

5.2. Critical Reflection. Why am I doing what I am doing? In other words, why am I becoming a teacher.

5.2.1. Want to encourage students and transfer my passions for education on to others.

5.2.2. Passion for a particular subject (Math and Chemistry.

5.2.3. Love for children and extremely extraverted.

5.2.4. Drawn to the challenge, considered a higher social purpose.

5.3. One thing I do know is that I do not know, (Plato, 1924)

5.3.1. I think this is extremely true because you cannot become a teacher with the expectations that you are the smart one. There is so much to learn from students and the other people around you, I am very excited about this part of my life. I love to learn and when you are a teacher if you really love your job and can remain open to others opinions I believe that you will never stop learning.

6. different theories of learning (3 main ways EDU 210)

6.1. Behaviourism

6.1.1. Behaviourism is a theory that states that the mind is a “black box” what we put in is what we get out. So learning occurs through cueing, shaping, modeling and drilling. This learning theory focuses on operant conditioning, where the learning is teacher directed and reinforced through repetition. Behaviourism suggests that learning is linear and only moves forward, not learning from previous knowledge (Boulding, 1984). This approach works for some students but not all. For those who do not learn well this way please see the other. Teacher directed (Canter, 1976))

6.2. Cognitivism

6.2.1. Cognitivism is based off of the Cognitive Load Theory, which is a theory on how we process information and looks at our capacity to learn. Data is absorbed and then put into working memory from there it can be stored in long term memory and this is when learning has actually occurred according to Richard E. Mayer. (2001)

6.3. Constructivism

6.3.1. Constructivism is the learning theory which I feel is the closest to the way I learn. I think this because I am strongly kinesthetic in my learning, meaning I learn through experience. In Constructivism there is a deeper connection with the material or subject that is to be learn. While the teacher guides the process we as students are able to collaborate, explore, reflect, engage and construct our own knowledge through active learning. Collaboration and learning. Have an inner locust of control. (Coloroso, 1990)

6.3.2. There should be a reasonable mix of all these learning types in a classroom. Allowing for optimal learning.

7. Reflective Practice: (Peters, 1991)

7.1. Four steps for Reflective Practice (DATA)

7.1.1. 1. Describe the problem

7.1.2. 2. Analyze the information provided

7.1.3. 3. Make a theory

7.1.4. 4. Take action

7.2. This is very important for the success of our students. it is the constant studying and inspecting of ones actions and practices.

7.2.1. This practice is good for a couple reasons 1. By continually examining our practice we keep changing and find better ways to approach a problem or subject. 2. This prevents boring repitition 3. You discover things about yourself and your students. 4. Not all people learn the same. So while one class might thrive in a class another may not.

7.3. understanding our students

7.3.1. Every student learns differently. Use the resources provided.

7.3.2. Inclusive Classrooms Must have several aspects to create this: March 6, 2014 Eugenics Discussion. Open communication is key to a iclusive classroom. Create a sense of accomplishment for all students Being available for students outside of the classroom Modify instruction to provide for all levels of knowledge Bring in outside resources. Encourage peer support and engagement, this will stimulate intellect. Understand each student on a personal level will allow you to understand not only their strengths and weaknesses but also their learning styles. By better understanding your students you can teach them better.

8. Historical

8.1. The University of Alberta was the first in Canada to implement a Bachelors of Education program. (1940-1950) January 09, 2014 Lecture.

8.2. ATA (Guest Speaker: Mark Yurik January 21)

8.2.1. Being a professional We as teachers have a discrete body of knowledge Formal education period. High level of cooperation among professionals Standard and professional discipline Higher social purpose

8.2.2. ATA The ATA, Alberta Teachers Association, maintains standards, improves the quality of education, and protects teachers rights.

8.3. Aboriginal Peoples Identity (Anuik, 2012., and EDU 211 and Class discussion March 4, 6)

8.3.1. The Aboriginal people of Canada are our indigenous peoples. They have suffered through colonization of Canada. Aboriginal people have experienced one of the most vicious crimes in the History of Canada and this is residential schools In order to be a good teacher we need to be able to sympathize and understand all the minorities in Canada. This includes our LGBTQ community, people from other countries and other groups that experience discrimination. (Phair, M. Guest Lecture, March 20, 2014) Residential schools were implemented in 1877, and part of the Indian Act, which in essence completely disregarded the Treaties which had been made.