Building an educator today for tomorrow's student (Home)

A UBC MET ePortfolio

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Building an educator today for tomorrow's student (Home) af Mind Map: Building an educator today for tomorrow's student (Home)

1. Iterations of the build

1.1. ETEC 522

1.2. ETEC 530

1.3. ETEC 565a

2. Tour

3. Introduction

4. Overview

5. The first build

5.1. ETEC 511

5.2. ETEC 512

6. Gathering our Legos

6.1. ETEC 520

6.2. ETEC 500

6.3. ETEC 510

7. Refining the build

7.1. ETEC 590

7.2. ETEC 580

8. Establishing the Build

8.1. MET Application