Your Indivivdual Rights Under The Charter

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Your Indivivdual Rights Under The Charter af Mind Map: Your Indivivdual Rights Under The Charter

1. Fundamental Freedoms

1.1. The fundamental freedoms are freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom of thought, freedom of belief, freedom of peaceful assembly, and freedom of association.

1.1.1. Respect others religions

1.1.2. Practice your'e own religion Example Joining a "Peace Group" "We Day"

1.1.3. Respect others opinions

1.1.4. No violence

2. Legal Rights

2.1. There are three types of protection. The right to life, liberty, and security of the person.

2.1.1. Responsibility to follow the rules Example Going to court as a Jury

3. Equality Rights

3.1. Racial equality, sexual equality, mental disability, and physical disability. In its jurisprudence, it has also been a source of gay rights in Canada. These rights are guaranteed to "Every individual," that is, every natural person.

3.1.1. Responsibility to keep your opinions to yourself

3.1.2. Don't discriminate Example Bullying

4. Democratic Rights

4.1. The constitution guarantees all Canadian citizens the democratic right to vote in a general federal or provincial election and the right to be eligible for membership in the House of Commons or of a provincial legislative assembly.

4.1.1. To vote, Example if you're legal age to vote. vote.

5. Mobility Rights

5.1. By mobility rights, the section refers to the individual practice of entering and exiting Canada, and moving within its boundaries.

5.1.1. Respect the enviroment Example

5.1.2. Contribute to society Moving to a new area and respecting the enviroment and laws.