Location Review Package

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Location Review Package af Mind Map: Location Review Package

1. Voice-Over

1.1. Include WWWWH?

1.2. Talk slowly

1.3. Not too close to mic

2. Stand-up and Closure

2.1. Be Creative

2.2. State Reporters Name

2.3. Tag back to anchors

2.4. Say "Reporting for Wave TV"

3. Essential Question: How do you create a location review package using Google Earth?

4. IMPORTANT: screen shots from Google Earth

5. B-Roll

5.1. Static Shots of related shots

5.2. Actual shots from location if in town

5.3. Link each shot to information of segement

6. Sound Bites

6.1. Interview with stakeholder

6.1.1. Owner

6.1.2. Patron

6.1.3. Witness

7. Shot Composition

7.1. Rule of Thirds

7.2. Eyes on Third

7.3. Talking Space

7.4. Depth of Field

7.5. Wide, Medium, and Tight