Vocab. by Megan

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Vocab. by Megan af Mind Map: Vocab. by Megan

1. food chain

2. Trophic Levels

2.1. Producer

2.2. Primary consumer(1st degree)

2.3. Secondary consumer(2nd degree)

2.4. Tertiary consumer(3rd degree)

2.5. Decomposer

3. Succession

3.1. ecological succession

3.2. primary succession

3.3. secondary succession

4. Growth

4.1. Exponential growth

4.1.1. J-Curve

4.2. Population growth rate

4.2.1. S-Curve

5. Limiting Factors

5.1. Carrying capacity

5.2. Climax community

6. Biotic Factors

6.1. Biotic factors are things that once lived or are living.

7. Food web

8. Water Pollution

8.1. Erosion

8.2. run-off

8.3. Organic Pollutant

8.4. Inorganic Pollutant

9. Urbanization

9.1. aquifer

9.2. watershed

9.3. New node

10. Biomes

10.1. Rainforest

10.2. Desert

10.3. Savannah/Grasslands

10.4. Tundra

10.5. Freshwater

10.6. marine

10.7. Temperate Deciduous Forest

10.8. Coniferous Forest

10.9. wetlands

11. biodiversity

11.1. genetic biodiversity

11.2. species biodiversity

11.3. ecosystem biodiversity

12. Species

12.1. endangered species

12.2. threatened species

12.3. indicator species

12.4. pioneer species

13. Abiotic Factors

13.1. Abiotic factors are things that never have lived and never will live.

14. Smallest to largest

14.1. Organism

14.2. population

14.3. community

14.4. ecosystem

14.4.1. hotspots

14.5. biomes

15. Natural Resources

15.1. renewable resources

15.2. nonrenewable resources

16. Source of pollution

16.1. Point source

16.2. non point source

17. Water Purification

17.1. New node