Freedom of Religious Expression Must Be Protected in Public Schools

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Freedom of Religious Expression Must Be Protected in Public Schools af Mind Map: Freedom of Religious Expression Must Be Protected in Public Schools

1. Prayer in school

1.1. Student led prayer groups, such as Fellowship of Christian Athletes

1.2. The Pledge of Allegiance

1.2.1. Under the Missouri law public schools must ensure the pledge is recited weekly in a scheduled class of every student, but students cannot be required to participate. Students have the option to remain seated and/or silent during the Pledge.

2. Cultural diversity

2.1. "the purpose of public education religion studies is to prepare young people for confrontation with religious diversity within the public realm and enable them to handle it without having to be either offensive or defensive about religion" Professor Dale Cannon

3. Curriculum debates

3.1. Theory of evolution versus creationism

3.1.1. "There are...sound scientific and pedagogical reasons why both models should be taught, as objectively as possible, in public classrooms, giving arguments pro and con for each. Some students and their parents believe in creation, some in evolution, and some are undecided. If creationists desire only the creation model to be taught, they should send their children to private schools which do this; if evolutionists want only evolution to be taught, they should provide private schools for that purpose. The public schools should be neutral and either teach both or teach neither." Henry Morris

3.2. Sex education: abstinence versus birth control

4. Religion-themed music in the classroom

4.1. "A position of neutrality towards religion must allow choir directors to recognize the fact that most choral music is religious. Limiting the number of times a religious piece of music can be sung is tantamount to censorship and does not send students a message of neutrality. . . . Such animosity towards religion is not required or condoned by the Constitution." The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, in Doe v. Duncanville Independent School District, 70 F.3d 402 (5th Cir. 1995)