I Could be You...

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I Could be You... af Mind Map: I Could be You...

1. Needs

1.1. food

1.2. water

1.3. air

1.4. sleep

1.5. safety

2. Poor

2.1. No shelter

2.2. No money

2.3. Have only very little of their needs

3. Ahkoxhet

4. Services

4.1. Global Concerns

4.1.1. Blue Dragons Who do they help? Poor children and teens across Vietnam Why do these people need help? Education Food and Water Shelter Relate to Maslow's Hierarchy of needs These children need food and water, and in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, one of the needs are food and water Locate Vietnam

4.1.2. Tabitha

4.1.3. Bali Bridges

4.1.4. Vietnam Hope

4.2. Local Services

4.2.1. Buddies at Sunset

4.2.2. St Josephs Home

4.2.3. Genesis

4.2.4. Saddle Club

4.3. College Services

4.3.1. Art Service

4.3.2. HOME Computers

4.3.3. Campus Gardening

4.3.4. Green Campus

5. Wants

5.1. computer

5.2. TV

5.3. bicycle

5.4. candy

5.5. phone

5.6. transportation

5.7. a nice house

5.8. electricity

5.9. pet

5.10. good education

5.11. clothes

5.12. shoes

6. Rich

6.1. Nice house

6.2. Nice car

6.3. A lot of money

6.4. All their needs and wants