Proposals EuroDIG

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Proposals EuroDIG af Mind Map: Proposals EuroDIG

1. Privacy & Democracy

1.1. Young people hear they shall be careful about the messages they post online as it remains on the net forever. At the same time young people are asked to participate and voice their ideas to contribute to public opinion and digital participation.

1.1.1. Q: The proposal aims to identify whether young people see the same dilemma

1.1.2. Q: Perceptions and the role of Anonymity shall be mapped and discussed

2. The law, governments and the citizens

2.1. Governments break existing law on privacy and espionage to snoop after their/citizens. Yet, these laws have been made to protect citizens of their governments.

2.1.1. Q: If governments dont stick to the laws, how can they expect the citizens stick to it?