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Internationalism af Mind Map: Internationalism

1. Cooperation

1.1. Providing healthcare

1.2. Economic stability

1.2.1. World Bank and IMF

1.3. Education

2. Peace

2.1. Peacekeepers

2.1.1. The 1962-1963 transfer of Netherlands New Guinea to West New Guinea.

2.2. Foreign Aid

2.2.1. UNICEF

2.3. International laws

2.3.1. The International Court of Justice and the Corfu Channel Case by UK and Northern Ireland against Albania in 1948

3. Security

3.1. Collective Security

3.1.1. When the Falkland Islands were attacked by Argentinian forces.

3.2. Collective defense

3.2.1. NATO, 9/11 attacks and participants during the US-Afghan Terror War

3.3. Foreign policies

3.3.1. Arctic Circle Sovereignty