Benefits of Collaboration

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Benefits of Collaboration af Mind Map: Benefits of Collaboration

1. Students

1.1. Two teachers instead of one

1.2. more attention when needed

1.3. faster feedback/help

1.4. increased motivation

1.5. technology integration

1.6. Lessons more interesting with 2 teachers

1.7. authentic learning

1.8. able to see a model of good partnership

1.9. better opportunity for self-reflection

1.10. increased engagement and creativity

2. Librarians

2.1. Forming partnerships

2.2. Library seen as classroom

2.3. 2 teachers better than 1

2.4. Better student/teacher ratio

2.5. Overall view of campus

2.6. Increased creativity

2.7. opportunity to integrate information literacy skills in meaningful lessons/activities

2.8. Influence Instruction

2.9. chance to share technology with students and teachers

2.10. Opportunity to share best practices of instructional models with advanced learning

2.11. Stay current on content and standards

2.12. a chance to promote the library program

3. Teachers

3.1. an extra set of hands

3.2. Bounce ideas off of each other

3.3. allowed to teach smaller groups

3.4. opportunity to develop/implement lessons that go deeper

3.5. More creativity and expertise with 2 teachers

3.6. more attentive students = less behavior issues = more successful outcomes

3.7. Working with someone knowledgeable in additional areas

3.8. Someone to share the work load with

3.9. more opportunity for differentiated instruction

3.10. increase technology integration

3.11. New information and ideas

3.12. Librarian has knowledge of curriculum across grade levels

4. Principals

4.1. Increased learning community

4.2. collaboration impacts the academic achievement of every child = higher test score

4.3. Higher standardized test scores

4.4. more cooperative work environment less issues between staff

4.5. a more knowledgeable staff in terms of meeting the academic needs of students