Our life on Mars

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Our life on Mars af Mind Map: Our life on Mars

1. Building a new settlement

1.1. Robot sent to Mars

1.1.1. exploring the area

1.1.2. finding the best place for the new settlement

1.2. Machines to build the Town

1.2.1. windmill - energy

1.2.2. digger

1.2.3. bulldozer

1.2.4. crane

1.2.5. hovercraft

1.3. Engineers to design

1.4. Houses

1.5. Factories

1.6. Schools

1.7. Money

2. Everyday life

2.1. Jobs

2.2. Vehicles

2.3. Health service

2.4. Protecting environment

3. Problems to solve

3.1. Water

3.2. Food

3.3. Temperature

3.4. Clothing

4. Social life

4.1. Attractions

4.2. Religions

4.3. Celebrations

5. Constitution

5.1. Equal rights for everybody

5.2. Right to express one's opinion

5.3. Democracy and tolerance

5.4. Choosing a president