Local Babies and Global Science

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Local Babies and Global Science af Mind Map: Local Babies and Global Science

1. Chapter 5: Providers

1.1. Dr. Mohamed Yehia

1.1.1. Director of the IVF-ET Unit at Nozha International Hospital

1.1.2. Was a helpful supporter in giving information about these reproductive practices that occur in Egypt

1.1.3. Was originally a movie star before becoming a Doctor. Three months in Saudi Arabia turned into a year, and led to a huge turning point in his career.

1.2. Four Major Problems of unfettered Reliance

1.2.1. 1. Adverse forms of competition

1.2.2. 2. Lack of Formal Regulation

1.2.3. 3. Equity Issues

1.2.4. 4. Over privileging of private sector activity at the expense of the public health care sector

1.3. Dr. Salah Zaki

1.3.1. Considered a genuis doctor

1.3.2. World famous for bringing ICSI to Egypt

2. Chapter 4: Religion

2.1. Concern about American IFV Practices

2.1.1. In the view of religiously observant muslims, bad donations practices would lead to an immoral and genealogically bewildering "mixture of relations."

2.1.2. It was believed that one doctor on purpose had a woman have twenty children just to make himself famous.

2.2. Galal's Decision

2.2.1. Decided to to go to Egypt and have her procedures done there because she felt that it is better to be comfortable with the doctor and the doctors there are muslim.

2.3. Today in Egypt reproductive technologies such as IVF and ICSI, are morally "loaded" in ways that are rarely seen.

2.3.1. Which suggests that these technologies are morally neutral, value free, and universally applicable.

2.4. There is a huge belief in in Egypt and Islam that "God" is in command of ones life.