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waves af Mind Map: waves

1. Reflected

1.1. to bounce back

1.2. like an light on water

2. Photons

2.1. small bundles of energy that make up light

2.2. small particels

3. Spectrum

3.1. the band of colors that make up white light the colors that make up white light the colors in a rainbow

3.2. pretty much a rainbow

4. Prism

4.1. a clear piece of glass or plastic that can be used to seperate white light

4.2. seperates white light

5. Refraction

5.1. Bounce back

5.2. something comes back

6. Vibrates

6.1. to move rapidly virbrate back and fourth

6.2. like an phone vibrates back and fourth

7. Sound Waves

7.1. a wave produced by vibrations

7.2. like a ocean wave has to have water

8. Light

8.1. a form of energy that can be seen

8.2. or travel a long distance fast