Placement of iPad kiosks in integrated healthcare clinics 2014 Max Polasko

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Placement of iPad kiosks in integrated healthcare clinics 2014 Max Polasko af Mind Map: Placement of iPad kiosks in integrated healthcare clinics 2014 Max Polasko

1. Questions to Answer/Information to Obtain

1.1. Does the clinic/office already have an effective method in place to obtain recipient/patient feedback?

1.2. Is the clinic/office willing to meet with me for a presentation on how iPad kiosk implementation will improve patient/recipient care and how the office/clinic is run?

1.2.1. As integrated care becomes the standard for healthcare, clinics currently, or soon to be, in the process of this implementation would greatly benefit from feedback.

1.3. Is recipient/patient feedback a concern and/or priority for the office/clinic?

1.4. Is the clinic/office willing to pay for iPad kiosks and the associated costs of program implementation?

2. Steakholders

2.1. Physicians

2.1.1. The physician's role will be to incorporate patient feedback into how they interact with patients and run the practice.

2.2. Office Staff

2.2.1. The office staff's role will be to incorporate patient feedback relevant to their positions. Feedback can potentially come from the physician (via the feedback from patients) or from the organization that has set up the iPad kiosk and chosen/created the feedback program.

2.3. Self

2.3.1. My role will be to present my idea to various clinics and doctor offices, coordinate the placement of iPad kiosks, create the feedback platform and questions therein, and to provide guidance based upon feedback results. Feedback questions will incorporate feedback that directly relates to the DiSC and VAT concepts.

3. Evaluation and Outcome Measurement (Patient Satisfaction)

3.1. Outcome measurement

3.1.1. Outcome measurement will be based upon feedback surveys. Initial surveys will obtain baseline information. Subsequent surveys will be juxtaposed to initial/previous surveys to determine which areas have improved or need improvement.

3.2. Program evaluation

3.2.1. Program evaluation The program will be evaluated by those incorporating it as well as patients/recipients. Physicians Nurses Clinical coordinators/directors Patients/those receiving services

3.3. Outcome data can be presented in a variety of manners, as directed by the physician/s

3.3.1. Feedback directly from the Ipad

3.3.2. Feedback emailed to relevant parties

3.3.3. Feedback sent via text message or another phone application

4. References

4.1. Weiss, D. & Legrand, C. (2011). Innovative Intelligence: The Art and Practice of Leading Sustainable Innovation in Your Organization. Mississauga, Ontario, Canada: John Wiley & Sons

4.2. Fonseca, J. (2002). Complexity and innovation in organizations. New York, NY: Routledge

4.3. Porter-O'Grady, T & Malloch, K. (2010). Innovation Leadership: Creating the landscape of healthcare. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

4.4. Porter-O’Grady, T. & Malloch, K. (2011). Quantum Leadership: Advancing Information, Transforming Health Care, 3rd Edition. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

4.5. Change Theory (2013). Retrieved on February 22, 2014 from

4.6. Cherry, K. What is Transformational Leadership. Retrieved on February 22, 2014 from

4.7. Four Fundamental Ethical Principles (2012). Retrieved on February 22, 2014 from

4.8. Chicoine, G. (2005). Diffusing Innovation in Your Practice. The Permanente Journal, 9(2), 78-80.

4.9. Ardichvili, A., Maurer, M., Li, W., Wentling, T. & Stuedemann, R. (2005). Cultural Influences on Knowledge Sharing Through Online Communities of Practice. Journal of Knowledge Management, 10, 94-107.

4.10. Vedantam, S. (2014). Does Business Innovation Depend On A CEO's Age? Retrieved on April 20th, 2014 from

5. Organizational Forces Impacting the Success of Program Implementation

5.1. Time to hear about/be presented to about the program

5.2. Agreement between doctors/clinical directors regarding the need for the program

5.3. Organization financial capabilities

5.4. Possible barriers

5.4.1. Finances

5.4.2. Similar program already in place

5.4.3. Time

5.4.4. Lack of program use by patrons/patients

5.4.5. Perceived lack of need for such a program

5.5. Methods to overcome barries

5.5.1. Purchase used or generic Ipads (finances)

5.5.2. Hone presentation so that it takes up a minimal amount of a physician's time (time)

5.5.3. Explain how patients will likely use the Ipad kiosks (lack of program use/need)

6. Timeline

6.1. Week 1: Put together powerpoint presentation

6.2. Week 2-3: Speak with hospitals and PCP offices to pitch idea

6.3. Week 4: Present powerpoint presentation

6.4. Week 5: Figure out logistics of program implementation

6.5. Week 6: Initiate program

7. Description of Idea

7.1. Create a clinic-specific survey, including input from case managers, clinical coordinators, clinic director/s, psychiatrists and physicians, that can best obtain feedback information.

7.1.1. Goal 1

7.1.2. Goal 2

7.2. Place iPad kiosks at a location within the clinic where recipients can easily leave feedback for their various visits at the clinic.

7.2.1. Session Rule 1

7.2.2. Session Rule 2

7.2.3. Session Rule 2

7.3. Have options for recipients to leave feedback anonymously is they so choose to.

7.4. Create a position, or have a liaison, follow up with recipient feedback.

8. Rationale

8.1. Currently, there is no formal or easy way to leave customer service related feedback with practitioners. Typically, if a recipient/client/patient wants to leave feedback, he or she has to call and leave the feedback via a message with the front office staff. The probability that the feedback reaches the doctor in its original form is unlikely. The other possibility is that the patient can leave feedback in person during an appointment. The problem with this is that is not what the appointment is for, and understandably the patient/recipient/customer will want to focus upon his/her issue that brought him/her into the clinic/office in the first place.

8.2. The implementation of iPad kiosks in a clinic sends a two-fold message to recipients: the clinic staff care about your experience and consequently will make positive changes based upon it. This will be very helpful, especially when clinics are initially transitioning from solely behavioral healthcare based to integrated care.

9. Broader Social Context

9.1. The concept of placing iPad kiosks in clinics can easily be extended to placing feedback kiosks in any establishment, ranging from retail stores to schools. Albeit many establishments may obtain feedback via websites or calls to the store, neither are nearly as convenient as having kiosks readily available in the store. People that would otherwise probably keep their opinions/feedback to themselves will also be more likely externalize their feedback.

9.1.1. Sub Idea 1

9.1.2. Sub Idea 2