Southern Colonies

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Southern Colonies af Mind Map: Southern Colonies

1. Virginia

1.1. Founders hope to make $

1.1.1. First of 13 colonies

2. The Creek and Oglethorpe

2.1. Oglethorpe wanted to make friends with Native Americans.

2.2. Oglethorpe gave colonists land.

2.3. Oglethorpe and Creek Confederacy partnered up together

2.4. Oglethorpe receives land from Yamacraw that was later called the Savannah.

3. Georgia

3.1. Last of the 13 colonies

3.2. Place where debtors make new start

3.3. The Growth of Georgia

3.3.1. Oglethorpe defended Georgia form Spanish attacks Olgethorpe plans failed

3.3.2. "Rented" People (slaves) Needed more workers on the farm

4. Georgia

4.1. King George keeping Carolina under English control

4.2. King George II chose Oglethorpe --> start new colony

4.3. deptors --> to Carolina because of Orlethorpe

5. People went there because of fertile soil

6. Carolinas: from King Charles

6.1. North Carolina

6.1.1. Separated in 1712

6.2. South Carolina

6.3. Founders hope to make $

6.4. 8 propietors were granted Carolina

6.4.1. separated land into 3 counties

6.5. 1691 governors were appointed

7. Vocabulary

7.1. Maryland

7.1.1. A state given to Lord Baltimore in 1634

7.2. North and South Carolina

7.2.1. Carolina divided into north and south

7.3. Georgia

7.3.1. A state founded in 1732

7.4. Southern Colonies

7.4.1. Virginia, Northern Carolina, Southern Carolina, and Georgia

7.5. Proprietors

7.5.1. Men who owned all the land of the colony

7.6. King George the II

7.6.1. A king who ruled at that time

7.7. James Oglethorpe

7.7.1. A general King George the II

7.8. Debtors

7.8.1. A person who owns money

7.9. Confederacy

7.9.1. A group of countries, states, or people who join common purpose

7.10. Tomochichi

7.10.1. A chief of a small Greek group called the Yamacraw

7.11. Savannah

7.11.1. Land for the settlement

7.12. Indigo

7.12.1. A plant that produces blue dye