Short Stories

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Short Stories af Mind Map: Short Stories

1. Character

1.1. protagonist

1.1.1. hero spiderman

1.2. antagonist

1.2.1. villain venom

1.3. supporting characters

1.3.1. sidekick or comic relief

1.4. love interest

1.4.1. lois lane

2. Plot

2.1. introduction

2.1.1. Alfonso is introduced (we learn that he is self conscious)

2.2. rising action

2.2.1. his brother gets stood up, meets Sandra and her brother

2.3. climax

2.3.1. he breaks his bike and doesn't have any to meet Sandra

2.4. falling action

2.4.1. His brother will let him borrow one bike

2.5. resolution

2.5.1. they both ride one bike - she has fun

3. Conflict

3.1. internal

3.1.1. person v. mind - Alfonso worries about his teeth

3.2. external

3.2.1. getting set on fire (person v. person, person v. nature)

4. Setting

4.1. when?

4.1.1. time of day, year, season

4.2. where?

4.2.1. country, planet, city, inside/outside

4.3. mood

5. Point of View

5.1. 1st person

5.1.1. talking about yourself makes writing feel personal but limits style

5.2. 2nd

5.2.1. "you went to the zoo" rare in narrative writing

5.3. 3rd person

5.3.1. narrator "he went to the zoo" might be omniscient (know everything that happens) or only from one side

6. Theme

6.1. author's message (usually on one of these topics)

6.1.1. love

6.1.2. happiness

6.1.3. loss

6.1.4. friendship

6.1.5. "coming of age"

6.1.6. friendship

6.2. reading "between the lines"

6.3. "you are great just the way you are - don't be too hard on yourself"