9 Elements of Digital Citizenship

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9 Elements of Digital Citizenship af Mind Map: 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship

1. 1. Digital Access

1.1. Definition: Full electronic participation in society

1.2. Digital exclusion makes it harder for people to grow with the use of electronics in society.

1.3. No one should be denied digital access.

2. 4. Digital Literacy

2.1. Definition: Process of teaching and learning about technology and the use of technology

2.2. Some technologies are being used in the workplace but not in schools.

2.3. People must be taught how to learn in a digital society. Learners must be taught to learn anything, anytime, anywhere.

3. 6. Digital Law

3.1. Definitions: Electronic responsibilities for actions and deeds

3.2. Digital law deals with the ethics of technology within a society.

3.3. Stealing or damaging another person's identity, work, or property online is a crime.

4. 8. Digital Health and Wellness

4.1. Definition: physical and physiological well-being in a digital technology world

4.2. Eye safety, repetitive stress syndrome, and sound ergonomic practices are issues that need to be addressed in a new technological world.

4.3. Internet addiction is becoming a psychological issue.

5. 9. Digital Security

5.1. Definition: Electronic precautions to guarantee safety.

5.2. In a digital community, people often steal, deface, or disrupt others.

5.3. People who use technology need to protect themselves from outside harm.

6. 2. Digital Commerce

6.1. Definition: Electronic bullying and selling of goods

6.2. A large part of market economy is being done electronically.

6.3. Sometimes this conflicts with laws. (illegal downloading, pornography, and gambling)

7. 3. Digital Communication

7.1. Definition: Electronic exchange of information

7.2. Resources of communication were limited until the 21st century.

7.3. examples include: e-mail, cellular phones, and instant message.

8. 5. Digital Etiquette

8.1. Definition: Electronic standards of conduct or procedure

8.2. People often use technology and the internet in inappropriate ways.

8.3. People must be taught how to use these resources responsibly and respectfully.

9. 7. Digital Rights and Responsibilities

9.1. Definition: Those freedoms extended to everyone in a digital world

9.2. Certain rights are given to every digital citizen.

9.3. Digital citizens have a right to free speech, privacy, and so on.