The Princess Bride

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The Princess Bride af Mind Map: The Princess Bride

1. Preface (1-36) 35

1.1. Reading 1-36, 35 pages

1.1.1. Periods 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 - 4/18

1.1.2. Period 3 4/21 (Mon)

1.2. Genre Research

1.2.1. Periods 1,4,5,6,7 - 4/18

1.2.2. Collected 4/21

1.3. Storytelling

1.3.1. Periods 1,4,5,6,7 - 4/18

1.3.2. Collected 4/21

1.4. Author Background

1.4.1. Period 4 - 4/18 Collect 4/22

1.4.2. All other periods 4/22

1.5. Letter to a Favorite Teacher

1.5.1. All Periods 4/21

1.5.2. Due 4/22

2. One: The Bride (39-69) 30

2.1. Social Networking (Turned in 5/8)

2.2. Chapter Title and Explanation 5/8 (ongoing)

2.3. Point of View

3. Two: The Groom (73-78) 5/8

3.1. Improvisation 5/12

3.2. Zoo of Death Diagram 74-76 5/12

3.3. Prince Humperdink's Portrait

4. Three: The Courtship (81-90) 9 5/8

4.1. Princess Noreena's Speech - 30 sec speech/video

4.2. Comic Strip

4.3. Greeting Card

5. Four: The Preparations (93-94) 1 5/8

5.1. Class Schedule

6. Five: The Announcement (97 - 218) 121

6.1. Advice Columnist

6.2. "Lost" Poster

6.3. Eulogy

6.4. Sports Commentating

6.5. Create a Flyer

6.6. Letter to the Editor

6.7. Mapping Fezzik's Journey

6.8. The Fire Swamp

7. Six: The Frestivities (221-288) 67

7.1. Love Letter

7.2. Resume

7.3. Last Will and Testament

8. Seven: The Wedding (291-334) 43

8.1. Found Poem

8.2. Motif Collage

8.3. Miracle Cure

9. Eight: Honeymoon (337-358) 21

9.1. Poetic Justice

9.2. Ending the Story

10. Buttercup's Baby: An Explanation (361-387) 26

10.1. Crossword Puzzle

10.2. Travel Brochure

11. Buttercup's Baby: S. Morgenstern's.... (393-450) 57

11.1. "I Am" Poem

11.2. Text Analysis

12. Wrap Up

12.1. Top Ten List

12.2. Write a Review

12.3. Casting Call

13. Movie