Event Planning

Collect all the neccessary information for planning a successful event

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Event Planning af Mind Map: Event Planning

1. Todos

1.1. Print signs and room numbers

1.2. Catering

2. Marketing

2.1. Promo mail sent

2.2. 45 posters

3. Invitations

3.1. Keynote Speakers

3.1.1. Key Approved Rejected (illness, no time...) Attention

3.1.2. Jane Demo "The use of Web 2.0 in Internal Communications"

3.2. Visitors

3.2.1. Goal: 450 registrations

3.2.2. NEW: 320 registrations!

4. Responsibilities

4.1. Marketing

4.1.1. John Demo Phone: 555-123456789 Mail: [email protected]

4.2. PR

5. Schedule

5.1. 10/09/2012

5.1.1. Begin: 10.00

5.1.2. Lunch: 12.00-13.00

5.1.3. End: 19.30

6. Venue

6.1. Madison Square Garden

6.2. Alternatives