DMBA Stakeholders

A map of the stakeholders of the DMBA program

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DMBA Stakeholders af Mind Map: DMBA Stakeholders

1. Students

1.1. prospective students

1.2. future students

1.3. current students

1.4. alumni

1.5. their friends/colleagues/family

2. DMBA Board

3. DMBA Faculty

4. Global Community

5. Business World

6. Design World

7. Online Community

7.1. followers of design strategy

7.2. Business Week

8. Financial Aid

9. CCA

9.1. Faculty

9.1.1. Naysayers

9.1.2. Advocates

9.2. Board of Trustees

9.3. Admin Staff

9.4. President

9.5. Provost

9.6. Grad Programs

9.6.1. MFA Design

9.6.2. MFA Fine Art

9.7. Undergrad Programs

9.7.1. ID

9.7.2. Design

10. Potential employers

10.1. Business Firms

10.2. Design Firms

10.3. Start-ups

11. Leading By Design Fellows

11.1. prospective students

11.2. enrolled students

11.3. their friends/colleagues/family

11.4. Faculty

12. guest speakers

13. Project Subjects

13.1. Leap 4 Kids

13.2. Raising a Reader

13.3. The Crucible

13.4. etc.

14. Other MBA Programs/Partnerships

14.1. Presidio

14.2. Berkeley

14.3. Stanford