Sprint 11 Blocker Tree

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Sprint 11 Blocker Tree af Mind Map: Sprint 11 Blocker Tree

1. [290] As a sales manager I want the initial listing creation to set listing to incomplete or something so that we know listings that are being worked on don’t become live

2. [300] As a user I want a link to “my listings” in profile, ensure I can browse to that filtered list, and ensure I get a clear indication that I’m filtering by user so that I can view my listings or other users’ listings

2.1. [310] As a user I want the ability to mark own listings as deactivated or complete so that there are other ways to disable a listing besides expiring.

3. [320] As a user I want to only allow editing my own listings so that someone else cannot edit my listing

4. [8 -> 2] As a developer I want 1 view fragment for a listing row so that we can reuse that listing row in multiple places

5. [440] As a developer I want a Validate success repo method when the image count is not over the limit + test so that the user can link images to their listing

6. [720 -> 3] As a developer I want to send available makes, models, and years to the vehicle tags admin form + test so that we can select from available makes/models/years

7. [430] As a developer I want a Validate fail repository method when the image count is over limit + test so that they cannot continue if the image count has been exceeded

8. [450] As a developer I want to Display an existing set of images for a listing + test (display over limit if over at start) so that we can see which images have already been uploaded

8.1. [455] As a developer I want the first image to be shown as default (php view only) so that the user knows this is the main image for the listing

9. [470] As a user I want to see the image count in the bottom left when editing a listing so that I know at a glance how many images are uploaded for this listing

9.1. [480] As a developer I want the image count to update after add/delete an image so that I can keep a running count of images for this listing

10. [490] As a user I want an X button in the corner of each image so I know how to delete it and can do it without hover on mobile or desktop

10.1. [500] As a user I want to click the image X to remove it so that I can remove an image from a listing

10.2. [460] As a developer I want the image tryDestroy method to remove S3 image + test so that we don’t have a bunch of unused S3 images

11. [510] As a user, when I rearrange images or upload new ones, I want the first one to always be labeled as default so I know which one is the main image

12. [520] As a user, when I add an image, I want to see an exceeded limit notification if I exceed the image count limit so that I know when I am over the limit (use data-limit attribute to store this)

13. [260] As a sales manager I want to ensure a listing package cannot be changed to a lower package because they already paid for the more expensive upgrade and we don’t want to think about refunds

14. [270] As a sales manager I want to ensure that the user cannot uncheck items that have been purchased so that we don’t have to think about refunds

15. [330] As a developer I want to set up the transactions module so we can work on transactions user stories

15.1. [410] As a developer I want data access for the transactions table so that I can access that data

15.2. [280] As a user I want the system to compiles any additional charges and put them in the cart so that we can keep track of what needs to be paid for

15.2.1. [390] As a developer I want to create a transaction row for a payment, link to paypal or auth.net id so that we can keep track of transactions and their associated record at auth.net

15.2.2. [527 -> 20] As a user I want to Pay via Paypal (link, api familiarization, callback receive script, display payment success, test) so that I have that option

15.2.3. [350] As a developer I want to submit payment via auth.net so that we can submit payment for a listing [360] As a developer I want validation for possible authorize.net errors so that we can tell the user in a clear way when something goes wrong

16. [370] As a developer I want to set the listing expiration date when is activated so that it will eventually expire

17. [380] As a developer I want to set a listing to active when it’s made so that it will show up

18. [700 -> 1] As a developer I want to redo the view + route for vehicle tags so that we can have a vehicle tags admin area (it got accidentally deleted)

18.1. [710 -> 3] As a developer I want to Populate current vehicle tags and pivots to the admin form + test so that we can see what current vehicle tags exist

18.2. [740 -> 1] As a developer I want to make the vehicle tag admin delete button work so that we can remove tags from the form

18.3. [730 -> 3] As a developer I want to make the vehicle tag admin add button work so that we can add a record to the form

19. [750 -> 5] As a developer I want to receive the vehicle tag admin submit, save, redirect and notify + test so that we can save updates to the vehicle tags

20. [760 -> 5] As a developer I want the vehicle tags repo to sync pivots + test so that we can save the vehicle tag admin form