
Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Telefonica af Mind Map: Telefonica

1. Opportunity

1.1. £55k Hydra RM

1.2. £15k Hydra BI

2. Stakeholders

2.1. Paul Wareham - Head of IP Networks

2.2. Head of Security - ?

2.3. IT - ?

3. Procurement

3.1. RFP Selection Process

3.2. Engage with IT

3.3. Full demonstration of Platform

4. Challenges

4.1. Unable to fully utilise Resources

4.2. Better Reporting

4.3. Understand cost of Resources

4.4. Automate Reports

4.5. Prioritise Projects

5. Current Set Up

5.1. Using MSP

5.2. Sharepoint

5.3. Spreadsheets

6. Telefónica is one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world in terms of market capitalisation and number of customers. With its best in class mobile, fixed and broadband networks, and innovative portfolio of digital solutions, Telefónica is transforming itself into a ‘Digital Telco’, a company that will be even better placed to meet the needs of its customers and capture new revenue growth. The company has a significant presence in 21 countries and a customer base that amounts more than 341 million accesses around the world. Telefónica has a strong presence in Spain, Europe and Latin America, where the company focuses an important part of its growth strategy.

6.1. Background

6.1.1. They are running an RFP to select a platform to manage their 500 projects of which only 150 get delivered each year. They have 4 teams with 30 permanent Resources and 15 contractors. They currently have to create weekly and monthly reports all manually of updates and progress. Use MSP for projects and Sharepoint to store documents. Need a platform to help them manage their Resources understand what projects can be delivered and better utilise resources. They need good reporting at a click of a button for all Managers.

7. Key Departments

7.1. IP Networks

7.2. Security

7.3. IT

8. Red Flags

8.1. Dont know who we are competing against

8.2. Budget not yet approved

8.3. Not yet met the Key stakeholder

8.4. Need to understand what we need to do to get to the Final selection process

9. Next Steps

9.1. Meeting Paul 22/09/15

9.2. Agree next steps