Federalists Versus anti Federalists

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Federalists Versus anti Federalists af Mind Map: Federalists Versus anti Federalists

1. constitutional convention 1787; required 9 of 13 states; did not ratify= separate countries

1.1. New node

2. anti federalists opposed national government/constitution

2.1. farmers & tradesmen; local politicians who feared losing power

2.1.1. patrick henry; george mason;thomas jefferson

2.2. wanted a bill of rights

2.2.1. large country not be controlled by just one government New node

3. federalists supported constitution

3.1. wealthy elite; better educated

3.1.1. james madison; alexander hamilton; george washington; ben franklin

3.2. Federalists papers 85 essays by john jay james madison alexander hamilton

3.2.1. Number 10 james madison factions most destructive of popular government

4. in several states, anti federalists nearly beat the federalists; but in 1790 the constitution was ratified