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Assessment af Mind Map: Assessment

1. Post-learning

1.1. End of unit tasks

1.2. End of unit or chapter tests

1.3. Quizzes

1.4. Individual or group projects

1.5. Presentations

1.6. Feedback

1.6.1. results

1.6.2. reports

1.6.3. teachers goals/plans

1.6.4. Conferences

1.6.5. Teachers meetings/share best practicies

1.7. Exams

1.8. Portfolio

2. During learning

2.1. Observations

2.2. Questioning

2.3. Discussions

2.4. Learning/response logs

2.5. Visual presentations

2.6. Kinesthetic presentations

2.7. Feedback

2.7.1. Peer/self assessment

2.7.2. self-evaluation reflections

2.7.3. teachers reflactions

2.7.4. Oral discussions

2.7.5. Adjust the planning

2.8. Examples of student's work