What was life like for the German Jews (such as Daniel) during the Holocaust?

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What was life like for the German Jews (such as Daniel) during the Holocaust? af Mind Map: What was life like for the German Jews (such as Daniel) during the Holocaust?

1. During Nazi takeover

2. Pre-Nazi take over

3. Life was normal

4. Dad fought in the war and was a respected member of the community

5. Parents had a good job and

6. What were the people of Germany doing while the persecution of Jews were occurring?

7. Some were neighbors

8. Some were teenagers

9. Some were religious leaders

10. Some were coworkers

11. Jewish businesses destroyed

12. Jewish children could not go to school anymore

13. Burned Synagogues

14. Concentration camps

15. Some were friends

16. Some were policemen

17. Some were teachers

18. Transported to ghettos

19. Crowded and dirty

20. Non-stop work; no school

21. Entire family lived in one room

22. Turnips

23. Took possessions

24. Separated men from women

25. Mother and sister were murdered